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The Hopewell Moravian Church in Winston-Salem, NC is located at the southern part of Forsyth County just outside of the city limits of Winston-Salem, NC. The church has served this community for 200 years. We have a beautiful Christian Life Center for the use of the congregation and the community. Both young and old come to worship and to develop friendships around the teachings of Jesus Christ. We continue to explore what it means to stand on the foundations of our spiritual forebearers and to live a life worthy of the name “Christian” in today’s society.
to Mail Donations, SEND TO:
701 Hopewell Church Road, Winston Salem, NC 27127
If you wish to join our CHURCH, please call 336-788-2289 to schedule a time to speak with us.
701 Hopewell Church Rd
Winston-Salem, NC 27127
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School 9:30am
Worship 10:30am